dalgona coffee

Dalgona Coffee: Everything You Need to Know About Whipped Coffee

In just a few minutes, you can turn basic ingredients into a unique coffee experience with dalgona coffee. Whether you prefer it hot or iced, this whipped drink offers a fun and delicious twist to your everyday coffee routine.

Dalgona coffee, the viral whipped coffee sensation, took the world by storm during the pandemic, quickly becoming a social media favorite. With just three simple ingredients—instant coffee, sugar, and water—you can create a velvety, frothy layered coffee indulgence, turning an everyday beverage into a creamy, Instagram-worthy treat. Whether you’re craving a sweet, caffeinated treat or want to impress your dinner guests, we’ve got the recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth.

What is Dalgona Coffee?

Dalgona coffee is another name for whipped coffee, a delicious coffee beverage that rose to viral social media fame for its simplicity and taste. Dalgona coffee is made from equal parts instant coffee, sugar, and hot water, whipped to frothy perfection, and served over a glass of milk.

Dalgona coffee gets its name from the Korean candy, which is similar in color and texture to the beverage. However, whipped coffee beverages have been a staple in several different cultures around the world, originating first in Macau and then spreading to India, Korea, and Greece. Thanks to its rise to fame on TikTok and Instagram, the U.S. now gets to enjoy the delicious caffeinated treat that is dalgona coffee.

What You Need to Make Dalgona Coffee

Making whipped coffee at home is extremely easy as long as you have the right ingredients and equipment. Here’s everything you need to make dalgona coffee.

Dalgona Coffee Ingredients

  • Instant coffee
  • Granulated sugar
  • Hot water
  • Milk (dairy or non-dairy milks)
  • Ice (optional)

Dalgona Coffee Equipment

  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk, hand mixer, or electric whisk
  • Spoon or spatula
  • Glass for serving

How to Make Dalgona Coffee at Home

A delicious glass of whipped coffee is just a few steps away. Here’s how to make your very own dalgona coffee from the comfort of home.

1. Combine the Ingredients

Start by combining the necessary ingredients. In a mixing bowl, add 2 tablespoons of instant coffee, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of hot water. This is the ratio for a single serving, but the recipe is easy to double since the ingredients follow a 1:1:1 ratio.

2. Whip the Coffee Mixture

Use a hand whisk or electric whisk to whip the coffee mixture. Start on a low speed at first, so you don’t make a mess, and gradually increase as the ingredients combine. Whisk for about 3-5 minutes until the mixture becomes light, fluffy, and forms stiff peaks (like whipped cream).

Note: You can make dalgona coffee by hand with a regular whisk. However, it’ll take a lot more time for those stiff peaks to form, and by that time your arm will be pretty tired. We recommend taking breaks and switching arms to avoid fatigue.

3. Prepare the Milk Base

Pour about one cup of milk into your glass. If you’re making iced dalgona coffee, add ice cubes to the glass before pouring in cold milk. For a hot dalgona coffee, you can warm the milk beforehand or you can steam the milk for an even frothier beverage.

4. Top with Whipped Coffee

Once your glass is ready, gently spoon the whipped coffee mixture on top of the milk, creating a distinct layered effect. At this point, you’ll definitely want to take a picture or two for social media.

5. Mix and Enjoy

Before drinking, mix the whipped coffee layer into the milk for a creamy, rich coffee experience.

What’s the Best Type of Coffee to Use for Dalgona Coffee?

Instant coffee is ideal for whipped coffee because it dissolves quickly in water, allowing the sugar and water to whip up into a frothy consistency more easily. It’s also stronger than traditional brewed coffee, packing a stronger flavor that balances perfectly with the sugar. Additionally, the proteins and fibers in instant coffee help trap air when whipped, creating a stable, frothy foam that holds its shape.

You can use other substitutes, like ground espresso or reduced brewed coffee, but the flavor won’t be quite the same as a traditional dalgona coffee. These substitutes might not be able to create the frothy texture that dalgona coffee is known for.

We'd be remiss as a coffee roaster not to mention that a lotthe majority of instant coffee is made from mass-produced, low-quality coffee that is purchased at low rates, which isn't good for the environment, the farmer, or you. Most specialty roasters like ourselves don't offer instant coffee because we've found our customer base prefers to enjoy their coffee whole bean and freshly ground. We’ve got a wide selection of blends and single-origin coffees to suit every palate, so grab a bag today.

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What’s the Best Type of Sugar to Use for Dalgona Coffee?

Sugar is an integral part of the dalgona recipe as it creates the foundation needed for stable, velvety foam. Regular granulated sugar is the most commonly used in whipped coffee recipes and tends to work best, but there are plenty of sugar substitutes you can use for taste and calorie purposes. We’ll walk you through a few sugar options for making whipped coffee so you can pick the best one for you.

Granulated Sugar (White Sugar)

Regular white sugar helps create a stable, fluffy foam when whipped with instant coffee and water. It dissolves quickly in hot water, making it ideal for the whipping process. It adds sweetness without altering the taste of the coffee, allowing the bold coffee flavor to shine.

Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is a popular flavor to pair with coffee. It adds a deeper, caramel-like flavor to the final product, which many people enjoy. Brown sugar usually whips well but may result in a slightly softer texture compared to granulated sugar.

Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar works similarly to brown sugar, providing a subtle coconut or molasses-like flavor. It may take a little longer to whip, and the foam might not be as stiff.

Raw Sugar (Turbinado or Demerara)

Raw sugar can be used to make whipped coffee but may take longer to dissolve and whip. You might notice the texture being a bit grainier and the foam less stable.

Stevia or Monk Fruit

These sugar substitutes don't have the same structure as sugar, so they won’t create the same frothy, stable foam like the other options. You can still attempt whipped coffee with these substitutes, but understand your results will vary.

Honey or Maple Syrup

These liquid sweeteners can be added to the milk base for sweetness, but they don’t work well in creating the whipped coffee layer as they’re far more dense than traditional sugar.

What’s the Best Milk to Use for Dalgona Coffee?

There’s no “wrong milk” to use for whipped coffee, so the best choice ultimately depends on your preferences and dietary restrictions. Here are some great dairy and non-dairy milk options to choose from when making your own dalgona coffee at home.

Whole Milk

Whole milk provides the richest, creamiest base for whipped coffee due to its higher fat content. The full-fat content balances the strong, slightly bitter flavor provided by the instant coffee. Whole milk also works wonderfully with hot versions because it froths the best out of all dairy and non-dairy options.

2% or Skim Milk

These dairy milk options are lower in fat, making the coffee less creamy but still smooth. They’re ideal if you want a lighter drink without sacrificing flavor. 2% and skim milk are best for iced whipped coffee as they don’t froth as well as whole milk does.

Oat Milk

Oat milk is one of the best non-dairy pairings for coffee beverages of all sorts, including dalgona coffee. Oat milk has a creamier texture than most plant-based milks, making it a good alternative for those who prefer a richer texture without dairy. It also has a slightly nutty flavor which pairs well with the strong whipped coffee flavor. Oat milk also produces a good texture when frothed, making it a good non-dairy substitute for a hot dalgona coffee.

The Viral Coffee Treat That's Here to Stay

In just a few minutes, you can turn basic ingredients into a unique coffee experience with dalgona coffee. Whether you prefer it hot or iced, this whipped drink offers a fun and delicious twist to your everyday coffee routine. It’s no wonder this trend became a global sensation—it’s easy to make, visually stunning, and endlessly customizable. So, whether you’re a coffee lover or just looking for a unique treat, dalgona coffee is a must-try. Grab your whisk, whip up a batch, and enjoy the frothy goodness at home!

Want more fun and delicious coffee recipes? Check out our guides below!