Peru, Jorge Chavez
Peru, Jorge Chavez
Methodical at The Commons
147 Welborn St
Greenville SC 29601
United States
Methodical Landmark
207 Wade Hampton Boulevard
Greenville SC 29609
United States
Methodical Manufactory
999 Geer Highway
Travelers Rest SC 29690
United States

We Taste
Milk Chocolate, Raisins, Hazelnuts


Caturra, CR95, Pache

Jorge Chavez, Perú

1,750-1,850 masl
This coffee offers a well-rounded, rich, and flavorful experience with layers of intricate flavors.
Jorge Chavez is not a person, but a very small town of around 30 families in northern Perú. Each year they harvest around 250 bags of great, consistent, and sweet coffee beans. Don Ciro Castro is the coffee leader of the community. Don Ciro and his family lived high in the Andes Mountains where they raised cattle and produced Aguardiente, a Peruvian spirit made from sugarcane. By the 1990s, Don Ciro could no longer compete with the corporate Aguardiente manufacturers so he, his wife and his oldest son, Henry, moved to the village of Jorge Chavez. They built a livestock farm and reinvested the profits into cultivating coffee. In the last few years, Don Ciro and Henry led the community initiative to transition to specialty-grade coffee production. Don Ciro now consolidates and checks on the town’s coffee lots, loads them into a truck, and brings them to be processed. This coffee is special because it's the effort of multiple families in a community and it represents some of the best coffee Peru has to offer. Peru has a burgeoning coffee industry that may soon match the dynamics of Colombia and we're excited to explore this region and all it has to offer—coffee and stories alike.
how to brew
Pour Over Recipe

26 grams of coffee ground medium-fine

400 grams of 205F˙ Water

Pour 50 grams of water to start. After 40 seconds, add 200g. At 1:30 pour all water. Finish at 3:30-3:45.
We roast to order and ship Monday-Thursday. Orders are usually fulfilled the production day after they are placed (for example, orders placed on Monday will ship on Tuesday). Orders placed Thursday-Sunday will be fulfilled and shipped on Monday.
By you? Yes. By us, sadly, no. Currently, we can only ship whole-bean coffee.
Freshness is critical to fully enjoying coffee. We roast to order to ensure your coffee is at peak freshness when it arrives. Sometimes our shipping partners experience delays due to weather, heightened demand, technical issues, pandemics, or aliens. All of which is out of our hands, except the aliens, but that's not for here.
If your package is delayed, let us know and we'll track it down and escalate its delivery. If it's delayed more than 2 weeks past the shipment date, and your order includes coffee, we'll either refund your money or ship you fresh coffee at no cost.

Enjoy Methodical
Methodical is on a mission to connect people to the beauty of life through coffee experiences for people like you. We've been roasting and hosting for over 9 years and offer a wide selection of coffees and teas that are complex yet easy-going. Craft a cup you’ll love with Methodical.